√ Fiber Optic Patchcord and Pigtail - Factory in Vietnam - Ruangiklan.com

Fiber Optic Patchcord and Pigtail - Factory in Vietnam

Iklan Percuma No: [#1458]

Tajuk Iklan anda Fiber Optic Patchcord and Pigtail - Factory in Vietnam
Keterangan Iklan anda Dear All,
Shinhan Korea Open a manufacturing plant/factory in Vietnam.
We want manufacture at lowest cost/ price even compare to China.

If you need a product like Fiber Patchcord, Pigtail, FDF, Break- out Cable, Antenna Cable and etc please do contact us.
We will provide a factory price and Ex-Work factory.

We have long experience with Ericsson Europe and we can make at higher spec to match European Standard.
Also we can make at lower price based on budget and spec.

Do talk to us for your needs and demand.
Harga USD 1
No Phone +60389412300
Website http://ornets.com

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